This agreement (the “Agreement”) will be made between The Money Mix, LLC (“TMM” or “Program Manager”), and (YOU) (the “Member”) with regards to The Money Mix Insiders Program (the “Program”).
Terms of Service
The Member agrees to keep all information related to the Program confidential and agrees to not disclose in writing, verbally, or via any other form of written or other communication any part of the program with any 3rd party unless given permission to do so.
The Member agrees not to compete with the Program Manager by replicating any or part of the Program while the Member is in the program and for a two-year period afterward. This includes but is not limited to establishing, materially aiding, or helping to run a content syndication group or network or by aggregating content from multiple sites.
The Member agrees that they will not utilize the Program Manager’s company's clients, customers, contact lists, plans, or data for personal or commercial purposes upon leaving the Program.
The Money Mix Insiders is a content syndication and distribution network to amplify member bloggers’ reach. The program is for bloggers looking to grow their sites, increase exposure, and boost domain authority (DA) so that they can turn their blogs into sustainable businesses.
We know that getting backlinks to your site is the best way to increase your DA and thus improve SERP rankings, and producing great content is key to growing and maintaining an engaged audience. The Insiders Program provides both. The Member will contribute guest posts to the Program Manager, which will be published on a Money Mix website as well as syndicated across the member sites based on the topic area. This means that your high-quality guest post (which can include 3 backlinks for a 2,000-word article) will be published across other Insider websites providing numerous backlinks and exposure opportunities to new audiences. The Member will need to syndicate guest posts on their site, providing their audience with high-quality content to keep them engaged, as well as giving other members valuable backlinks.
i. The Member will get at least 1 article per quarter published on a Money Mix website and syndicated by Insider member sites. ii. The Member will receive and syndicate guest posts weekly. These articles are high-quality and SEO optimized, helping the Member publish great content more regularly. iii. The Member will receive exclusive access to a private Slack group and receive mentoring and advice to help them grow their blog, audience, and revenue.
i. The Member will syndicate 1 guest post from other Insider members per week. Each syndication must include a canonical URL. ii. The Member will write 1 high-quality guest post a quarter to be featured on The Money Mix and then syndicated to other Insider’s websites. iii. The Member is expected to write and publish original content on their site regularly. iv. The Program Manager reserves the right to remove the Member from the Insiders program at any time. v. The Program Manager will make every effort to work with the Members to ensure they are given an opportunity to participate fully in the program.
To participate in the Insiders Program, you can subscribe on a monthly basis. The monthly subscription price is $250.
There is no minimum commitment; however, it is recommended to give the program at least 3 months to see the best results.
Upon receipt of the signed contract and after any free trial period, the Program Manager will send the Member an invoice. Payment is due upon receipt and can be made via PayPal, Credit Card, or Debit Card. The invoice will establish automatic payments and will continue until the Member terminates their participation in the Program.