The Insiders offers several custom plugins to its members to help craft the best website they can.
This plugin allows a post to have not only an Author, but also an Editor and Fact Checker. Posts may have a custom Author bio box at the bottom of each post as well as a standalone page for a longer bio and links to all of that contributor's posts. Most importantly, there is quality schema information so Google is attracted to it.
Exit Modal
This plugin provides an method for creating exit modal windows, adjusting their design to match the site design, and makes it easy to assign them to specific posts.
MSN Publishing
This plugin allows for our Insiders Digital Platform to ingest your content for publishing to MSN. To use after installation, simply check the "MSN Article" or "MSN Slideshow" checkbox on a post to send the content to MSN. Note that this plugin does not function until your site is approved for MSN and enabled in our platform.
IE Slider
The Insiders Exclusive Slider allows you to create one or more sliders right in the Post interface and place them into your post anywhere you'd like.
Additionally, it ties into the MSN Publishing plugin to allow you to push slideshows to MSN.
About Page Schema
This plugin provides a form in the Settings area that accepts a great deal of information, and then renders it as Schema on the site's About page.
When either a JPG or PNG is uploaded in WordPress this plugin will convert it to WebP, but retain a copy of the original and serve it to the OpenGraph tag, so social sites use the original.